All you need to know about oral cancer examinations

All you need to know about oral cancer examinations

It’s a known fact that oral care is as important as skin care or hair care. In fact, one can say that oral care is more significant than skin care or hair care as many germs or infections gain entry through the mouth. So, it is necessary to get regular oral check-ups. It is also essential to know about the early signs of oral cancer. During an oral cancer screening, the doctor will examine the patient’s mouth visually and physically. The main purpose of oral cancer examination is to find out the early symptoms of oral cancer and start the treatment as soon as possible. Mostly, it is the dentist who looks for signs of oral cancer during regular dental checkups. At times, they may carry out additional tests to confirm the diagnosis of cancer.

Reasons to go for oral cancer examinations 
One of the main reasons for this examination is to get information about oral cancer at the earliest. It is easier to treat cancer in the early stages. An oral examination can also detect pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth, which could lead to cancer if left untreated. In this way, one can diagnose and treat cancer in the initial stages. In addition, people who are more likely to develop oral cancer should also go for oral cancer screenings from time to time.

Risk factors for oral cancer

  • People who are regularly consuming tobacco-based products like cigars, cigarette, chewing tobacco, pipes, and many other items
  • People who are consuming a lot of alcohol every day
  • People who have been screened for oral cancer in the past
  • People who are exposed to the sun for a long duration are prone to oral cancer.

Tests involved in oral cancer examination
There are two ways of examining the mouth for oral cancer.

Visual exam
During the oral cancer examination, the doctor will look at the major parts of the mouth like the face, lips, neck, internal portion of the nose, and the oral cavity. It is necessary to remove all removable dental appliances before going for this examination to ensure that the doctor can examine all parts of the mouth properly. During this process, the doctor will look for deformities, swelling, colored patches, or ulcerations in the mouth. The doctor will use lights and a mirror to observe each and every part of the mouth.

Physical exam
After the visual examination, the doctor will perform a physical examination if necessary. They will touch the cheek and head to feel for unusual nodules or mass in the oral cavity. They will also look for immobility in the tissues that are usually mobile. If this type of immobility is found and is painful, then it could be a sign of oral cancer.

It is best to go for an oral cancer examination annually, or as per the doctor’s recommendations.