Three dietary essentials for psoriatic arthritis

Three dietary essentials for psoriatic arthritis

Inflammation and pain in the joints are characteristics of a disease known as arthritis. There are many types of arthritis. The most common types are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia. People who have been diagnosed with the skin condition of psoriasis are often diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. It is a chronic type of arthritis. Similar to other types of arthritis, the joints become inflammatory and painful in this condition. In the long run, the joints can face some severe damage as well. When diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, there are certain foods that help manage its symptoms. On the other hand, there are other foods that one needs to avoid while coping with this inflammatory condition. The following foods can be consumed when diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis: Anti-inflammatory omega-3s Anti-inflammatory foods are an essential element of reducing any potential and painful side effects. Hence, they are an important part in the diet of people diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids constitute a type of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). They have been proven to be quite helpful in coping and managing many health conditions due to their anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study, people who have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis were given PUFA supplements for over a period of 12 weeks.
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Types of allergies and their symptoms

Types of allergies and their symptoms

An allergy can be explained a response of the immune system to a foreign substance. Allergies are divided into different types and these types have further sub-divisions. The major classes are respiratory allergies, skin allergies, food allergies and a class of miscellaneous allergies. The sub-divisions in these classes are as follows: Respiratory allergies Summer allergies: The trigger in this type of allergies is pollen from weed and grass. Winter allergies:  If the trigger is something found indoors, such as allergies from mites or molds, they will affect you more in the winters as a higher amount of time is spent inside during this period. Spring allergies: While there is no particular cure for allergies that pop up during this season, several kinds of medication and changes in habits can help in coping with them. Fall allergies: In this season, the allergies are usually triggered by mold, ragweed and dust mites. Dog and cat allergies: About 37% to 47% of American households have a dog and as per the reports, about 10% of the American population has cats. Cat allergies, however, are known to be more common than dog allergies. Hay fever: This condition is also known as allergic rhinitis and attacks the individual in the form of an immune response when they come in contact with pollen grains or similar substances.
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Foods to help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea

Foods to help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea

The food we eat is probably at the core of the causes of diarrhea. Overeating, indigestion, old food, stale food, and contaminated food can all trigger an upset stomach. During treatment, one has to manage what they eat as much as possible, consuming only light foods. However, during recovery, one has to plan their diet carefully so that they can quickly regain their energy and get back to their routine once again. The popular BRAT diet comprising bananas, rice, apples, and toast has been the go-to home remedy for patients recovering from an acute attack of diarrhea. Though this helps to stabilize during recovery, it does not have the necessary nutrients like protein, vitamins, and calcium to replace the energy lost. Also, the BRAT diet is not ideal for children. Fiber is generally recommended to induce stools, and hence, it should be avoided right after an acute attack. Moreover, there is some fiber that gets dissolved in water; this soluble fiber serves as a prebiotic to the healthy bacteria in the gut and delays the stools from moving out of the body, thereby slowly reducing diarrhea. A BRAT diet can be ideal for breakfast, but protein and non-dairy probiotics can be added during the day.
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Things you should know to manage depression

Things you should know to manage depression

Depression is a disease that can happen to anyone at any age, either because of a difficult life event, alongside an illness, or because of hereditary factors. While the disease is complex and requires a multi-pronged approach including professional help, people suffering from depression do not have to be entirely powerless in the management of their disease. The biggest success factor in depression is to identify its onset in the early stages, when management becomes easier, and worsening of symptoms can be actively prevented. Even better is to proactively consider important preventive measures, such dietary and lifestyle changes, to ensure that when life gets bumpy, your mood manages to stay even-keel. Keep a mood journal Unlike most other disorders where the sufferer knows something is wrong, people suffering from depression may be entirely unaware that their increasingly low moods are actually signed of a disease. Others may notice the change, but it is not common for patients of depression to live in denial for very long – sometimes too long. Introspection is a powerful habit to cultivate and maintaining a journal where you record your feelings and thoughts can be a very effective way, later on, to examine the trend in your mood.
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Treatment procedures for heart attack

Treatment procedures for heart attack

In the event that a person has had a heart attack, doctors in the emergency ward or cardiologists would recommend different treatment options or surgical procedures to relieve pain, or to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks in the future. The treatment procedures for a heart attack depend on many factors like the reason why it happened and the lifestyle factors that may have triggered the condition. Some factors that increase the risk of a heart attack are smoking, drinking, unhealthy dietary habits, a sedentary lifestyle, or extreme stress. Unalterable causes of a heart attack are age, gender, family history or ethnic background, and other health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. The treatment plan will depend on the duration after which the heart attack treatment was initiated, and whether one was conscious or unconscious after the attack. Depending on whether one has suffered an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the complete blockage of a coronary artery, or a non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), a partial blockage, the treatment options suggested by doctors would vary. After an angiogram or cardiac catheterization is done to examine how well the heart is functioning, one or more procedures are performed to treat this heart condition.
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Symptoms of schizophrenia that should be watched closely

Symptoms of schizophrenia that should be watched closely

Schizophrenia is a serious neurochemical imbalance, and it completely distorts the way a person thinks and acts. How does one identify the symptoms? It is wise to know that the first sign of schizophrenia could vary between genders. Men are known to show these symptoms in their late teens or in their twenties whereas women are susceptible anywhere between their twenties and thirties. The prodromal period is a vital stage to be aware of. It is the period between the first occurrence of symptoms and the onset of what is called the schizophrenic episode (technically referred to as psychosis). The prodromal period does not have a specific start and end date. It could be just a few hours or it could be weeks or years. When it comes to schizophrenia, identifying the trigger points could be difficult in many cases. The period is always accompanied by change in the behavior; it could also indicate subtle changes initially. When boys develop schizophrenia in their teens, significant changes can be observed, some of which could be changes in grades, withdrawal from social activities, lower attention span, temper flareups, and insomnia. The symptoms can be classified into three: Positive symptoms Cognitive symptoms Negative symptoms Positive symptoms:  In this instance, the word “positive” refers to the fact that it is “good.” The symptoms are not based out of reality and are also known as psychotic symptoms.
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Treatment options for cystic fibrosis

Treatment options for cystic fibrosis

There is no cure for cystic fibrosis but the treatments available help to provide relief from the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Managing cystic fibrosis is complex, so try to obtain treatment from a center where doctors and nurses are trained in treating patients with this condition. Doctors must work with a multidisciplinary team of nurses and specialists to provide the best care to a patient. The goals of the treatment are to focus on: Preventing and controlling lung infections Preventing intestinal blockage Removing and diluting the mucus from the lungs Providing sufficient nutrition to the patient Treatment options for cystic fibrosis Medications and medical treatment : Antibiotics may be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of a lung infection and to prevent the occurrence of infections in the future. Anti-inflammatory medications are also recommended to reduce swelling in the airways of the lungs Mucus-thinning medicines to help to reduce the build-up of mucus and to improve lung functioning Bronchodilators help keep the airways open by relaxing the muscles around the bronchial tubes. Oral pancreatic enzymes help the digestive tract absorb nutrients. Bowel surgery may be necessary to remove any blockages in the bowels. Lung transplant is recommended if the patient has severe breathing problems or life-threatening complications.
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Diagnosis and treatment of Hypocalcemia

Diagnosis and treatment of Hypocalcemia

Calcium is one of the most essential building blocks which our body is made of. Calcium plays a wide variety of roles in the proper maintenance of a healthy body and thereby a healthy lifestyle. However, it is still one amongst the many nutrients that one is supposed to consume on a regular basis. Due to a variety of dietary intolerance situations or simply the imbalance between work life and basic activities, it is highly possible that certain nutrients and their regular consumption don’t hit the required mark. Our body is still remarkable in the way that it recuperated under these conditions as much as possible. But sometimes, these deficiency conditions are capable of crossing the line and presenting us with severe symptoms. At times as such, it is important to take the immediate and necessary course of action in order to control the kind of damage caused, in order to avoid any problems in the future. In the case of calcium deficiencies, hypocalcemia is one such situation which presents itself with different types of symptoms which need to be attended to immediately. If any of the symptoms of calcium deficiency are noticed, the doctor should be contacted immediately. The doctor would further try to understand your medical history and would see if any calcium deficiency disorders such as osteoporosis run in the family.
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Kaposi’s sarcoma and its types

Kaposi’s sarcoma and its types

Kaposi’s sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the cells that line the lymph nodes and blood vessels of the body. It is caused by the Kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpes virus, which is present in tumors on the body. These tumors manifest in the form of lesions or dark red and purple blotches on the skin of the genitals and anus, and they can also be found in mucosal areas like the mouth and nose. The condition does not show any other symptoms, although some blotches on the legs can swell and become painful. These lesions can also form internally, like in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. It is a type of cancer that progresses slowly and is not fatal in most cases, but it can become life-threatening if lesions in the lungs cause breathing difficulties or if the tumors in the digestive tract cause bleeding. This is considered to be a condition that defines the progression of AIDS in HIV-positive patients. It is a type of cancer that develops commonly in AIDS patients, but it is not limited to the patients of AIDS only. A person can be perfectly healthy otherwise and can still develop this type of cancer.
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Stages of Lyme disease

Stages of Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection usually caused by the bite of an infected tick. Lyme disease is usually caused by four different species of bacteria, namely Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia mayonii, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii. If not treated, this disease produces a wide range of symptoms, depending on the stage of infection. There are 3 stages of the infection: Localized Lyme disease Generally, early symptoms start manifesting within a few hours or days, or they may even take a few weeks to develop after the bite of an infected tick. During this stage, the infection has not spread throughout the body, which makes it easy to cure the disease at this stage. The symptoms are as follows: Erythema migrans are rashes that are usually considered to be the signs of the early stages of Lyme disease. They are not generally caused by an infected tick bite, but it is an outward sign of severe Lyme disease. Fever of 100 to 102 degree F A stiff neck Irregular heartbeat Abnormal pulse Eye inflammation Severe fatigue Chills Sore throat Headaches and body aches Early disseminated Lyme disease During this stage, the bacteria spread through the bloodstreams and the infection spreads all over the body.
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