Tips to buy authentic and cheap pet medicines

Tips to buy authentic and cheap pet medicines

Purchasing pet meds online is a pretty straightforward thing. However, there might be certain dangers associated with it. Some time back, the FDA (Food drug and Administration) issued an alert about ordering medications for a pet online. The main area of concern was flea and tick control products. Mostly, online sources were found to be selling a repackaged product that was near or beyond the expiration date. Another problem that one had to face was that some of the products that originated in foreign countries were repackaged using the English language but dosed using their metric system. But besides all this, you can still get good quality pet meds without shelling out a lot of money. Ways to save on pet medications If one wants to save money and buy genuine pet meds at affordable rates, they should follow the below mentioned tips: Make sure that your vet is willing to write prescriptions that would let you buy medication elsewhere and not from only one store or portal. If they don’t allow that, consider finding another vet. If your pet needs medication for prevention of any long-term chronic condition, ask the vet for a prescription medication that can be found at a less expensive online or offline outlet.
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Good and Bad Dog and Cat Treats

Good and Bad Dog and Cat Treats

Food fads for the dogs and cats have come and gone and pet owners are always anxious about what food is right for their pets and what are dangerous to feed. However, one advice on healthy food has stayed the same: feed your pets all natural pet treats. The following information talks about some of the food items that are safe for your dogs and cats as well as those that are better to avoid: 1. Apples Apples contain the much needed Vitamin C, fiber and calcium for the well-being of your pets. Just make sure that your pet is not eating the apple seeds. So before feeding them apples remove both the core and seeds. The pets respond well to grain free treats like this by being active and showing signs of good health throughout the day. Besides, grain free treats like apples are lower in calories providing the right kind of nutrition. This will help the pets escape obesity and other types of related health issues. 2. Blueberries Blueberries are a good source of antioxidants and vitamins that provide protection against various food allergies in pets. New research has discovered that blueberries are useful in breaking down fat cells in the body and prevent new one from forming.
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Managing Diabetes Mellitus in Pets

Managing Diabetes Mellitus in Pets

Diabetes mellitus is a pancreatic disease that results when the pancreas is unable to regulate blood sugar levels. Cats are often diagnosed with the disease when high levels of blood glucose are found in the blood, and the body is unable to utilize glucose for energy, and symptoms such as sudden weight loss, increased thirst, increased urination, and insatiable appetite occur. According to research from the Veterinary Centers of America (VCA) diabetes mellitus is the second most prevalent endocrine disease in middle-aged to senior felines, especially those 13 or more pounds in body weight. Considering the companionship and love that develops between pet and pet owner, preventing diabetes mellitus, or managing the disease to keep our beloved pet healthy is vital, using the following tips: 1. Know the early warning signs Symptoms of diabetes in pets may include increased appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased urination and going outside of the litter box. Keep in mind, if you’re pet eats wet food, these symptoms may not be evident until later on as wet food offers quite a bit of water intake. 2. Maintain a healthy body weight Just as with human beings, exercise and diet are crucial for overweight pets, especially when it comes to controlling a chronic disease.
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Natural Treatments and Prevention for Fleas and Ticks

Natural Treatments and Prevention for Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are two of the most common reasons why pet owners visit the vet. In order to avoid costly vet visits there are many things you can do to help stop and prevent fleas and ticks. Some of the most common symptoms include excessive scratching, hair loss, tapeworms and even excessive licking. Should your dog or pet be showing any symptoms of fleas or ticks it’s best to have it taken care of immediately. Below are just a few simple treatments for the prevention of fleas and ticks: 1. Flea combs The flea comb is often one of the easiest and best ways to get rid of fleas on household pets. A flea comb is much like a human comb except the teeth of the comb are very close together making it the perfect product to remove tiny pests such as fleas and ticks. They are typically pretty reasonably priced and can be used for a very long time. 2. Water vinegar mix Another great way to remove or prevent fleas or ticks from your pet’s body is to wash them with a mix of water and vinegar. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and completely spray the dog’s body being sure to avoid any sensitive parts such as the eyes and nose as well as any open wounds.
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The Dangers of Essential Oils with Pets

The Dangers of Essential Oils with Pets

Essential oils are a great thing in that they can really help boost your mood, reduce stress, and improve the smell of a room. However, it’s important that you’re careful when it comes to using them on and around your pets. Humans and animals like dogs and cats respond to foods, smells, and fragrances differently, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong. What works for you may not work for your pet, and may even pose a threat of toxicity if swallowed or absorbed by a cat or dog’s skin. Here’s a guide about handling essential oils in terms of pet toxicity: 1. Always consult a veterinarian No one is likely to know better than a veterinarian about what to do and what not to do with oils and your pets. It’s possible, for example, that a certain amount of oil could be pushing into pet toxicity zones when it’s constantly emitting fragrance via diffuser. But, on the other hand, a smaller amount may be perfectly alright depending on the specific oil, your dog’s or cat’s size, and breed. You should also rely on the advice of a vet if your pet should happen to ingest or absorb an essential oil through the skin.
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Tips for Buying Pet Medications Online

Tips for Buying Pet Medications Online

The cost of pet medicine shouldn’t be a reason a pet doesn’t receive the care it needs. Unfortunately, high prices can make treatments inaccessible to some. Pet owners are turning to more economical ways of obtaining what their pets need by getting their pet medications online. Online pharmacies hold the advantage in cost and convince, however, not all online pharmacies are equal. Before deciding to buy your pet medications online take a look at these tips to help you buy authentic and cheap medicines worry free: 1. Look for the Vet-VIPPS seal In order to be verified as a Veterinary-Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites Seal (or Vet-VIPPS) member, a pharmacy has to abide by the inspection and license requirements of their state and every state they ship medicine to. Sites with Vet-VIPPS certification will display a hyperlink seal at the bottom of the page that will link you to their verified information maintained by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. With this seal, you can ensure that your pet is getting the highest standard of quality medications. 2. Use sites that require prescriptions It’s against federal U.S. law to buy a controlled substance without a prescription. You’ll want to protect yourself as well as your pet when you peruse the online pet pharmacy community.
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Tips for Dog and Cats with Food Allergies

Tips for Dog and Cats with Food Allergies

Food allergies in our dogs and cats are not always that easy to diagnose. Common symptoms of possible food allergies can include sneezing or chronic coughing, paw chewing, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion or gas, red skin or missing hair, itchy ears and skin, rash or hives, and ear infections. As much as we care about our beloved pets, there should be no guessing about our dogs or cats when they develop these symptoms. If you suspect that it is food allergies causing these problems, contact your pet’s veterinarian immediately: 1. Itchy skin and hives The most common sign of food allergies in both humans and pets is itchiness. When dogs and cats begin to show signs of compulsive itching, particularly around the face or neck, paws, anal area, ear, and limbs it’s a good sign they have a food allergy. 2. Food elimination As pet owner’s, we are familiar with the common technique of diagnosing food allergies in humans, which is much the same in animals. Using an “elimination” test you can try to pinpoint the source of allergy. For instance, if you recently fed your cat new brand of food and the symptoms above begin to appear – voila, this might be the problem.
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Tips for Travelling with Pets

Tips for Travelling with Pets

Many people avoid pet travel under the assumption that animals are not allowed. In some cases this is true, but for the most part many pets are able to travel with their owner as long as certain requirements are met with consideration to breed, size, and weight. Family vacations are no longer permitted for the two-legged only. Today, many hotels, campsites, and airlines are welcoming to owners traveling with their cats and dogs. Before you hit the road or skies with your four-legged furry friend, here are some pet-traveling tips to consider: 1. Requirements During plane travel, dogs can sit with their owner, but can cost as much as a plane ticket (in addition to the owner’s) and be a certain weight. This can be a problem for dogs with medical issues or owners with a budget, which is why proper research beforehand is critical. If your pet is needed for your emotional or physical health, (i.e. sight, epilepsy, anxiety, etc.), you should definitely check the rules of support animals for your transportation or lodging. If your animal qualifies as a support animal, a lot of the regulations and fees can be waived or at least more lenient. However, a veterinary or doctor’s note may be needed so you will want to give yourself ample time to provide such.
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Toxic Houseplants for Pets

Toxic Houseplants for Pets

Pets are often like family members. That is why important to protect them from harm so that they can live long, happy lives. While their forever home is usually a safe haven, it can also be a place of danger because it may contain toxic houseplants. Pet toxicity is on the rise because of certain toxic houseplants that pet parents may not be aware of. However, potential pet toxicity can be prevented with the right education on toxic houseplants. It might be useful for pet parents to know which houseplants are dangerous to cats and dogs respectively. A few of the harmful, even life-threatening, houseplants for cats and dogs are sago palm and several types of lilies, including: 1. Sago palm Interestingly enough, sago palm is a houseplant that is toxic to both cats and dogs. According to the website, sago palm contains the toxin called cycasin. Also, it must be noted that all parts of the plant are toxic to pets. One negative effect of ingesting any part of this plant is liver damage. The level of toxicity is very high. Symptoms of poisoning include but are not limited to vomiting, jaundice and increased thirst. 2. Calla lily While all kinds of Lilies are harmful for pets, this list will be abbreviated here for the sake of brevity of this article.
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