Causing factors of peptic ulcer

Causing factors of peptic ulcer

A peptic ulcer is a type of sore that develops in the lining of the stomach, duodenum or lower part of the esophagus. The word “ulcer” refers to open sore, and “peptic” means that acid is the cause of the sore. It is a general belief that excess acid is the major cause of ulcer disease. But, the major cause of ulcer is the infection of the stomach caused by a bacterium named “Helicobacter pylori” (H. pylori). The common cause of peptic ulcer is listed below. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium. It is a type of bacteria that can infect and can cause chronic inflammation in the stomach and duodenum. H. pylori cause gastritis by invading the lining of the stomach and duodenum and produces a cytotoxin termed vacuolating cytotoxin-A (substances that has a toxic effect on cells such as a toxin or antibody), and thus leads to ulcer formation. Infections caused by H. pylori may include; Nausea Vomiting blood Belching or burping Bloating (swelling) Diarrhea Abdominal discomfort and pain Passing dark or tarry like stools Fatigue Anemia (low red blood cell count) Decreased appetite Bad breath H. pylori infection is also spread food, water, or utensils.
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How eye infections are diagnosed

How eye infections are diagnosed

Eye infections are quite common these days. It occurs when the surface or interior of the eye is attacked due to viruses, like bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Optometrists can diagnose an eye infection by inspecting the appearance of the surface of the eye and retina, the progress of the disease, and the patient’s medical history. Tests are conducted with the help of a device that eliminates light and inspects the cornea and retina. In the case of pus or other discharge from the eye, a culture test would be recommended to identify the organism causing it. To rule out possibilities of other underlying conditions, tests for common diseases, like chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes simplex is advised. The physician with the help of the sample taken, assess the exact type of infection. It also helps determine the best effective treatment, such as an antibiotic, which targets the type of bacteria that is causing the infection. Self-diagnosis can delay effective treatment and potentially harm the vision. Additionally, it is advised to avoid wearing contact lenses until the physical diagnosis and treatment of the infection. When there are recurring eye problems along with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, changes in the size of the pupil, injury, eye pain, altered vision, discharge from the eye, or severe redness, medical attention is needed to diagnose its cause.
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Treatment options for ovarian cancer

Treatment options for ovarian cancer

The ovaries are female reproductive glands that produce ova or eggs. Ovarian cancer is formed when abnormal cells in the ovary begin to multiply out of control, leading to the formation of a tumor. After diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the doctor will provide the treatment. The type of treatment performed depends on many factors, including the type of ovarian cancer, its stage and the health condition of the patient. The various treatments for ovarian cancer include: Surgery: Surgery is often the first option in case of ovarian cancer. The level of the surgery usually depends on the stage of cancer. Hysterectomy – The aim of surgery is to remove the tumor, but a hysterectomy is often necessary. The uterus and any surrounding tissue that is affected are removed. The side effects of this surgery include pain at the incision site, swelling, or bruising at the incision site, burning or itching near the incision, or a numb feeling near the incision. Lymph node dissection – In this surgical procedure, lymph nodes in the pelvis and near the aorta are removed. The side effects of this procedure include a collection of fluid under the skin near the incision, changes in sensation such as pain or numbness, or swelling that occurs due to a collection of lymph fluid in the tissues.
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Diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis that you should know

Diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis that you should know

To determine if a person meets the criteria for a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and to rule out the possibility of other causes and symptoms that the person is experiencing, several strategies have to be used. These strategies include a careful study of medical history, evoked potentials and spinal fluid analysis, a neurologic exam and various tests including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As there are no symptoms in the early stages, physical findings and laboratory tests determine if a person has multiple sclerosis. The main criteria for a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis are damage in the central nervous system, in at least two separate areas. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. Evidence that damage had occurred at different points in time has to be found. This would rule out all another possible diagnosis. Guidelines have been specified for using MRI and cerebrospinal fluid analysis to speed up the diagnostic process, by the International Panel on MS Diagnosis. When a person experiences an MS-like symptom (clinically-isolated syndrome) and has one attack, also called relapse, an MRI is used to look for a second area of damage. The MRI is used to confirm that damage has occurred in two different points in time.
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Effective treatment options to cure Eczema

Effective treatment options to cure Eczema

Eczema is a health condition in which red patches that are dry and itchy appear on the skin. These can develop anywhere on the body, beginning right at the scalp and surfacing even in the sole of the feet. But thankfully eczema is not a contagious disease. However, it can certainly be uncomfortable and embarrassing to keep itching, whether in public or in the privacy of your space. But don’t panic. While there is no ‘cure’ for reversing eczema, there are numerous ways by which the symptoms can be relieved and your skin can heal. Here are a few listed for you: Lifestyle changes Have a bath in lukewarm water. When one of the following — vinegar, rock salt, oatmeal or baking soda is added to your bath water, it helps soothe irritated skin. Pat dry your body, do not rub with coarse towels Resist the urge to itch, instead moisturize your skin. Do not skip this crucial step, make time for it, because parched skin intensifies the possibility of developing eczema. Follow the remedy/treatment measures consistently without exception, day in and day out, in the proper dosage and for the right duration. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines OTC medicines that are available in various forms such as creams, gels, lotions or ointments, without a prescription, is the first step in medicating a simple mild itch in the beginning stage of eczema.
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The stages of breast cancer

The stages of breast cancer

In the last decade, breast cancer has affected many women, and most of them have gone through various treatment therapies to recover from this chronic ailment. The best way to start treatment is by knowing the stage of breast cancer as the doctors will decide on the treatment when they know the stage. There are five stages of breast cancer, which start from stage 0 and go on to stage IV: Stage 0 In stage 0 of breast cancer, one cannot see any evidence of cancer cells. It usually describes non-invasive breast cancers. This may include ductal carcinoma in situ, which means the lining of a breast duct consists of cancer cells. It may otherwise mean lobular carcinoma in situ, wherein the breast lobules show the development of abnormal cells, or it may be Paget’s disease of the breast that does not have any invasive cancer cells. Stage I With the initiation of stage I of breast cancer, the development of invasive breast cancer starts. This implies that cancer starts invading the normal cells that surround the tissue of the breast. Stage I is generally further divided into two categories: Stage IA : This stage means that the spread of cancer has increased to fatty breast tissue.
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Thyroid cancer and its types

Thyroid cancer and its types

The thyroid is a gland that controls metabolism and releases a hormone that stimulates many functions in the human body, including producing heat, consumes oxygen, etc. When cells change or mutate, thyroid cancer occurs. The abnormal cells begin multiplying in the thyroid to form a tumor in the gland. Primarily, there are 4 types of thyroid cancer: Papillary (80%-85% of cases) Follicular (7%-15% of cases) Anaplastic (1%-2% of cases) Medullary (3%-5% of cases) Papillary This is the most common type of thyroid cancer and is totally asymptomatic. It is one of a differentiated form of thyroid cancer. It can also be referred to as well-differentiated thyroid cancer (WDTC) which means the cancer cells resemble healthy cells to some extent. If papillary thyroid cancer metastasizes, it is likely to be found in the lymph nodes in the neck. This type of cancer tends to have more than one cancerous nodule in the thyroid gland and in the lymph nodes, either in the neck or chest. This form of cancer has a high rate of survival and a high number of cured cases both in men and women. This cancer accounts with the vast majority of people due to radiation exposure but is more common in females than in males.
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Risk factors of skin cancer and measures to prevent it

Risk factors of skin cancer and measures to prevent it

The type of cancers that arise from the skin are known as skin cancers. They are due to the generation and redevelopment of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Most skin cancers are cancerous growth of the skin which is locally destructive, and they originate from the cells of the epidermis, the superficial or outer layer of the skin. According to the statistics of the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in every three cancers diagnosed is skin cancer and one in every five people in the country will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Skin cancer is of three basic types: Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Melanoma Skin cancer develops primarily on open areas of sun-exposed skin, including the face, lips, scalp, ears, chest, neck, arms and hands, and on the legs. It can also form on parts that are unexposed to the sun including your palms and nails. Risk factors One of the reasons that may increase your risk of skin cancer comprises fair skin as fair skin has less pigment (melanin) which offers less protection from damaging UV radiation. Having had blistering sunburns as a child increases the risk of developing skin cancer as an adult.
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An overview of prostate cancer

An overview of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and this type of cancer occurs in the prostate gland, which produces the fluid, semen. This gland is a small and a walnut-shaped gland and the seminal fluid produced by it helps the transportation of the sperm. The growth of this type of cancer is very slow and at its early stage, it will be confined only to the prostate gland. This stage is not harmful to anyone. There are different types of prostate cancer in which a few are slow growing, and some will spread very fast. When this cancer is diagnosed early, you can cure it completely. Symptoms At the early stage of prostate cancer, there are generally no symptoms, which have been observed. Only a few people show some symptoms at this stage and these symptoms include: Many people may experience a frequent visit to the toilet at night for urination. Several people with prostate cancer have a lot of difficulty in the beginning and controlling urination. Some of the people with prostate cancer may experience blood in the urine sometimes. Painful urination is another symptom of prostate cancer, which is experienced by many individuals. Ejection will also become a task for some people having prostate cancer.
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Superfoods for different skin care needs

Superfoods for different skin care needs

All of us know that what we eat has a direct impact on how we look. People who constantly have processed food or foods high in fat and sugar can face problems like dull skin, dryness, oiliness, acne, or dark circles. A diet focused on high-quality lean proteins, healthy oils, raw fruits and vegetables, and fiber is the best choice for healthy and glowing skin. Such foods tend to contain high-quality amino acids which are the building blocks for firm skin. They are also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants which promotes skin metabolism and defends the skin against environmental factors. A few superfoods can work wonders for your skin and can make it healthy. For all skin types Ginger can have a soothing effect on your skin. It is an excellent antioxidant and is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Chia seeds are one of the best sources of omega 3-fatty acids which helps to provide a healthy skin cell function and new collagen production. So, it can keep the skin wrinkle free for a longer period. Tomatoes are a lesser-known superfood for healthy skin as it is one of the best sources of lycopene which has anti-aging properties. For acne prone skin Oatmeal is low on the glycemic index (GI) and so it is a far better choice than sugary cereals for breakfast.
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