All you need to know about oral cancer examinations

All you need to know about oral cancer examinations

It’s a known fact that oral care is as important as skin care or hair care. In fact, one can say that oral care is more significant than skin care or hair care as many germs or infections gain entry through the mouth. So, it is necessary to get regular oral check-ups. It is also essential to know about the early signs of oral cancer. During an oral cancer screening, the doctor will examine the patient’s mouth visually and physically. The main purpose of oral cancer examination is to find out the early symptoms of oral cancer and start the treatment as soon as possible. Mostly, it is the dentist who looks for signs of oral cancer during regular dental checkups. At times, they may carry out additional tests to confirm the diagnosis of cancer. Reasons to go for oral cancer examinations  One of the main reasons for this examination is to get information about oral cancer at the earliest. It is easier to treat cancer in the early stages. An oral examination can also detect pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth, which could lead to cancer if left untreated. In this way, one can diagnose and treat cancer in the initial stages.
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3 common causes of COPD

3 common causes of COPD

COPD is the abbreviated form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This term is commonly used for describing progressive lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and refractory asthma. The main characteristic of this disease is the difficulty in breathing or breathlessness. No cure has been found for this disease as of yet and it is one of the progressive diseases. However, proper treatment and changes in lifestyle can make an affected individual live a longer and healthier life with COPD. With various reasons that can be considered as the primary causes of this disease, three common causes of COPD have been highlighted in the sections below. Smoking One of the primary causes of developing COPD is smoking. Mostly, COPD affects people aged forty and above and have a past history of smoking. If one is a smoker currently or was in the past, they will be more likely to develop this disease. However, it is not necessary that one will develop COPD only if they indulge in smoking. But many cases of COPD have been found to be smokers. Even if one is a passive smoker, the chances of developing this disease become very high. This is because of the fact that cigarette smoke contains various toxic chemicals which are harmful to the lungs.
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An overview of renal cancer

An overview of renal cancer

The other names for renal cancer include renal cell carcinoma, hypernephroma, kidney cancer, and renal adenocarcinoma. This is among the ten most common cancers that affects adults in the country. The function of the kidney is to eliminate the waste from the body including excess water and salt. The organ also helps control the blood pressure and ensures the body has enough red blood cells by making a hormone called erythropoietin. Minute tubes called tubules present in the kidneys are responsible for the filtration of blood and help in excreting waste from the body. They also assist in the production of urine. When the cells in the lining of these tubules start multiplying uncontrollably, it signifies the onset of renal cancer in most of the people. Causes of renal cancer The actual cause of renal cancer is still unknown; however, there are various factors that increase the risk of getting this type of cancer in many individuals. The risk of getting renal cancer increases with growing age. When you smoke frequently, it increases the chance of getting this type of cancer very easily. Rapidly increasing weight can also influence the risk of renal cancer. Another factor, which contributes to increasing the risk of renal cancer is high blood pressure.
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What foods to avoid if you’re suffering from multiple myeloma

What foods to avoid if you’re suffering from multiple myeloma

Cancer has emerged as a widespread ailment in today’s times. It is a life-threatening condition that can affect any individual irrespective of age, sex, or lifestyle. There are various types of cancers that can affect an individual and are classified on the basis of the body parts that are affected. One of the most notorious forms of cancer is multiple myeloma. What is multiple myeloma? Multiple myeloma is one type of blood cancer wherein the bone marrow is affected. When the blood cells known as plasma become cancerous, it results in formation of a tumor within the bone marrow. If there is a single tumor it is known as myeloma, but if there are multiple tumors in the bone marrow, this condition is known as multiple myeloma. Effects of multiple myeloma on the body The normal function of plasma cells is to fight infections and keep the body free from them. But when the plasma cells become cancerous, they prevent the healthy plasma cells from performing this function. As a result, the patient can experience anemia and becomes susceptible to several life-threatening infections. Moreover, these cancerous cells hasten the process of break-down of bones and stop formation of new bones.
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Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes

Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that manifests due to an imbalance of insulin in the body. Although diabetes is a common ailment, it is a serious one and should never be ignored or taken lightly as this can trigger a number of other health issues, including many cardiovascular diseases. In the early stages, diabetes may or may not showcase any symptoms, consequently making it difficult to be diagnosed. If you experience any early symptoms of diabetes, you should immediately consult your healthcare expert. They may prescribe one of the many tests available to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes: Plasma glucose test : This is a fasting test that should be conducted at least eight hours after you have eaten. Oral glucose tolerance test : This test is also conducted in order to measure the blood sugar levels in the body. For this, you need to go without food for at least eight hours and without a glucose infused beverage for at least two hours. Random plasma glucose test : This test is conducted irrespective of the time when you last consumed your meal or a beverage. A1c test : This is a blood test that offers complete information about a person’s average blood sugar levels over a period of two-three months before the test.
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Foods diabetics should have and avoid

Foods diabetics should have and avoid

Diabetes is a condition that impairs the ability of the body to process blood glucose, also called blood sugar. In other words, diabetes refers to a condition of increased levels of blood glucose or blood sugar in the body. A person with a fasting blood sugar test showing 126 mg/dl or more and with random blood sugar levels of 200 mg/dl or more on two separate tests is considered to be diabetic. The management of diabetes depends upon the type of diabetes one is suffering from, such as Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and such because not all the types of diabetes result from being overweight or due to an unhealthy and inactive lifestyle. Certain forms of this condition are also present since birth. However, the role of diet and exercise in the management of diabetes cannot be ignored. Foods to eat when you have diabetes Eating the right foods for a diabetic is a must to keep the blood sugar levels in the target range. The whole act is basically to balance the intake of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Consume leafy greens, and opt for more raw, cooked, or roasted vegetables in your meals. Wheat, gram, or chickpea and millet are the preferred cereals.
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All you need to know about the different stages of colon cancer

All you need to know about the different stages of colon cancer

Cancer is the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells and when this cancerous growth is observed in the colon; a part of the large intestine, it is referred to as colon cancer. Colon cancer begins as a small lump of cells, called polyp which becomes cancerous if left untreated. Some of the symptoms of colon cancer are weight loss, rectal bleeding and difficulty in bowel movement. Stages of colon cancer Identification of the stage of cancer is crucial for the proper treatment of the disease. A common system used for the identification and staging of colon cancer is called the TNM system. The TNM system raises the required questions which allow doctors to treat the condition accordingly. Tumor (T):  How deep has the tumor grown into the wall of the colon or rectum? Node (N):  Has the tumor spread to the nearby lymph nodes? Where and how many lymph nodes are affected? Metastasis (M):  Has cancer moved or metastasized to other parts of the body? If so, where and how much? Based on this system, colon cancer is divided into four stages depending upon the symptoms and the extent of metastasis. Stage 0: In this stage, the cancerous growth is limited to the mucosal wall of the colon only.
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Top 6 myths about ADHD

Top 6 myths about ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a greatly misunderstood condition. Many people still believe that this condition does not exist and children with ADHD are merely misbehaving. Here are some of the most common myths associated with ADHD. Kids with ADHD are always hyperactive Most children diagnosed with this condition are noisy, hyperactive, and impulsive. However, this is not a necessity. ADHD may also be diagnosed among children who are quiet and socially withdrawn. According to the American Psychiatric Association, children diagnosed with ADHD can be categorized as hyperactive-impulsive, inattentive and a combination of the two. Children with this condition don’t work hard enough to pay attention Telling a child with this condition to “just focus” is the same as telling a child who can’t hear to “listen harder.” In many cases, these children work harder than their peers to pay attention to a task. Their inability to do so is due to a difference in their neural pathways. These neural networks can take longer to develop in children with ADHD. Do not believe people who say that a lack of discipline and bad parenting is the cause of ADHD. ADHD can only be treated with medication Medication is a requirement for almost all children diagnosed with ADHD.
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The signs and symptoms of gout

The signs and symptoms of gout

Gout is a medical condition due to excessive deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. Some of the common reasons for excessive uric acid in the blood are excessive alcohol intake, immunosuppressive and diuretic drugs, excess vitamin B-3, consumption of purine-rich food, hypothyroidism, and obesity. The excessive uric acid deposits in the joints of knees, foot, elbow, and ankle, leading to severe pain, swelling, and movement disabilities. Uncontrolled and untreated gout can even lead to joint deformities. The symptoms of gout may vary from one individual to another, but they generally worsen as the disease progresses. Signs of gout Excessive uric acid changes the pH of the blood and makes it more acidic. There is pain and swelling around the affected joints. There is an appearance of tophi, which is a deposit of crystalline uric acid and other substances under the skin. Tophi may be painless and may also appear on several body parts. Stages of gout and the associated symptoms The progression of gout can be categorized into three stages, and the symptoms of each stage can vary based on the same: Asymptomatic hyperuricemia : This is the first stage of gout and is generally asymptomatic. In this stage, uric acid crystals start forming around the joints.
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Tips to deal with and recover from alcohol addiction

Tips to deal with and recover from alcohol addiction

While drinking occasionally is not frowned upon, drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time can lead to several diseases and complications. Nearly 90 percent of the population finds long-term sobriety a huge task in itself. There are chances that they will take up a drink again and further damage their body. In order to successfully rid yourself of alcohol addiction, you need to follow certain steps meticulously and get yourself a good support system. There are certain things that can be inculcated in your daily life to help deal with alcohol addiction better. Recovery from alcohol addiction Face the reality A common mistake people with alcohol addiction make is that they don’t face the reality that they may be addicted to a substance. When asked, most of them lie, and this is where one loses their war against alcohol. While this may seem to be tough, it is in good stead. Friends and family serve as a pillar of support in this case. Choose the right people Choosing the right company is ideal. Try and avoid social gatherings and places where drinks are available. This is a very sensitive and crucial period and it is better to avoid the sight of alcohol as much as possible.
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