Foods you should consume and avoid while on a dash diet

Foods you should consume and avoid while on a dash diet

Pediatricians have developed the dash diet structure mainly for patients with hypertension. This diet plan is unique because it minimizes the sodium intake while still maintaining your calorie intake, unlike any other. The diet is easy to follow as the plan is hassle-free and the food items are simply available in the market. Here are some foods you should consume while on a dash diet: Fruits Fruits are an integral part of the dash diet. Potassium is richly present in fruits like oranges, limes, and grapes etc. It helps in reducing high blood pressure. You can also eat bananas for a couple of weeks to reduce hypertension. An organic chemical called L-citrulline present in watermelons helps the body produce L- arginine, which is an amino acid that promotes healthy circulation in the body. Blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries are rich in Anthocyanins which can effectively control your blood pressure. According to research, flavonoids in the above-mentioned fruits work efficiently to promote healthy blood flow. Green Leafy Vegetables In the dash diet structure, you should eat around six types of vegetables every day. Higher amounts of fiber intake can significantly reduce the amounts of blood pressure. Dairy Products While on a dash diet, one must keep in mind the fat content of a particular product at the time of consumption.
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5 must-have foods of the MIND diet

5 must-have foods of the MIND diet

‘MIND’ diet is the short term of the Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet. It is a great combination of the Mediterranean and the Dash diet. Both these diets are loaded with vegetables and fruits. This particular diet is recognized as the healthiest diet in the world. It helps in improving the overall health of an individual. It helps reduce the cognitive decline of various neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. The Must-have Foods of the MIND Diet There is an endless list of foods one can consume when on the MIND diet. This is because it includes both the Mediterranean and the Dash diet. This diet is helpful in various ways and promotes the healthy functions of several internal body organs. 5 must-have foods of this particular type of diet are explained in the following: Vegetables Both the Dash and the Mediterranean diet are loaded with different vegetables. Thus, this diet includes it too. Various green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale are rich in vitamin C and A, along with other nutrients. These play a huge role in improving the proper functions of the brain. Other vegetables, like carrot, turnip, and onion are also a part of this diet as they are healthy for the heart.
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Rheumatoid arthritis and its available treatments

Rheumatoid arthritis and its available treatments

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a chronic autoimmune disease that is characterized by the swelling or inflammation of the joints or severe pain in the joints. Patients can also experience stiffness in their joints and difficulty in movement. There are various factors that lead to an increase in the pain, but the exact cause behind the disease is still unknown. With early detection, one can go through different treatment procedures to reduce the symptoms as there is no cure for this disease. Treatment to control the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis As rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured entirely, there are various treatment methods that will help one in controlling or reducing the symptoms. Medication: There are various forms of medication available to treat RA. They are: NSAIDs : Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDs helps in reducing joint pain or inflammation, but they do not help in slowing down the progress of this disease. It is advisable to follow the prescribed doses of such drugs as they are available in both higher doses for long-term results as well as lower doses throughout the day. One should also be aware that these drugs can lead to side effects like stomach irritation, heart attack, and stroke.
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Foods to include and exclude in a Dukan diet

Foods to include and exclude in a Dukan diet

Dukan diet relates to the low carbohydrate food intake. It is the best way to lose weight rapidly without getting hungry. You must consider taking the guidance both from a nutritionist and a doctor before starting the Dukan diet. It has a complex procedure which might give rise to different health issues if incorporated without proper guidance or knowledge. There are various food items which you can intake while maintaining this type of diet. Given below are the foods mentioned in accordance with the various phases of this diet plan. Foods to include There are four main phases of the Dukan diet plan. The patterns in terms of each phase are: The attack phase This phase is the primary phase of the mentioned diet pattern. The food items which the nutritionist suggests you are: Lean pork Lean Beef Meats of venison, bison All types of shellfish and freshwater fishes Eggs Liver and tongue Tofu Seitan (a substitute of meat) Lemon Juice Intake of 1.5 liters of water Oat Bran The cruise phase This phase comes next to the attack phase where you can eat certain vegetables on each alternative day. You are although restricted to the diet plan of the attack phase on the other days.
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6 foods for effective gum care

6 foods for effective gum care

Most people often tend to believe that oral hygiene is restricted to shiny teeth, fresh breath, and a pink tongue. However, what’s missing here is gum care. Gums have an important role to play in holding the teeth firmly in their place and protecting your oral bones. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to keep them healthy and clean. While there are a lot of methods to protect your gums from the attack of harmful bacteria, there are certain foods can also do the trick. Listed here are some of them: Leafy green vegetables Loaded with minerals and vitamins, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale are some of the best foods for gum care. These vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin C, which is known for boosting the production of red blood cells and reducing inflammation. In addition, leafy green vegetables are rich in fiber content, which means they require a lot of chewing. This aids the formation of saliva in the mouth, which flushes out bacteria and plaque from the mouth. Onions The microbial properties of onion make it an excellent choice for gum care. Onions neutralize oral bacteria that causes gum problems and cavities. Include more onions in your daily meals in the form of salads or sandwich fillings.
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6 foods to avoid in the Whole30 diet

6 foods to avoid in the Whole30 diet

A nutritional program, the Whole30 diet is formulated with an aim to alter the way you feel and eat in 30 days. The clean-eating plan is designed in a way that it essentially cleans up the dietary habits by eliminating foods that are unhealthy or have a negative impact on the body. Yes, committing to the diet will mean giving up several kinds of foods like dairy, alcohol, and more. You will instead have to choose healthier alternatives to curb hunger like vegetables and protein-rich foods. Wondering what exactly are the type of foods that you will have to give up on? Well, here are some that you will have to give up on for 30 days if you take up the Whole30 diet. Dairy products Dairy products like cheese, milk, sour cream, cream, kefir, and butter cannot be consumed. This includes all the dairy products made from goat, cow, and sheep milk. However, the only exception of an acceptable dairy product that can be consumed is clarified butter. Grains Daily grains are not permitted as part of the Whole30 diet. Foods like wheat, rye, oats, corn, rice, barley, millet, sorghum, bulgur, and sorghum must be excluded from your diet.
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Soothing Snacks for IBS

Soothing Snacks for IBS

If you suspect irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and may have possibly identified contributing factors to your IBS diet, then you most likely are experiencing pain in the gut; we all know as the abdominal area of the human body. This is more common than most would like to admit. Ignoring this aspect of most our lives could prove most detrimental to our standard of living, and why would any of us ignore the symptoms or possible outcomes. Luckily, symptoms are usually easy to identify: constipation, diarrhea, unable to excrete, excessive gas. This list of embarrassing and harmful symptoms are just a few and if ignored can be life changing. However, treatment is available and could change your life for the better. Diet is one simple factor combined with lifestyle that could reduce the severity and frequency of IBS symptoms. For instance, incorporating these recommended snacks can greatly soothe the following IBS symptoms: 1. Constipation Diet is the most common result of constipation, and most common intake are chocolate, milk, or wheat. However, the diagnosis among a myriad of people proves one specific food intake is hard to identify or blame as a key factor. For example, even fruit or sodas can trigger the same outcome.
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Best Foods For Eczema

Best Foods For Eczema

Eczema is an inflammatory skin disorder that causes skin rashes, scales, itching, inflammation, irritation, and sometimes blisters that ooze and skin patches that appear leathery. Commonly found in children under the age of two, eczema can affect older children and adults as well. The skin disorder is a type of atopic dermatitis. Certain foods can trigger or reduce eczema symptoms, which means eating an eczema diet will greatly improve the condition: 1. Omega rich foods Foods rich in the omega-3 fatty acids are great anti-inflammatory foods. Good sources of this are fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, trout, tuna, and mackerel. These “good” fatty fish can be eaten at least three times per week. Other sources of the omega 3s are nuts such as almonds and walnuts. 2. Quercetin-rich foods  Foods that contain quercetin, which is a plant based flavonoid that helps give fruits and vegetables their rich color, may also relieve eczema symptoms. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is found in foods like apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, spinach, and kale. All of these are also powerful anti-inflammatory foods. 3. Probiotics Foods that contain probiotics, like yogurt, help to reduce eczema flare ups by supporting a healthy and strong immune system (or gut).
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The Best Foods for COPD

The Best Foods for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a progressive lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe. It is an umbrella term that is used to describe when someone has one or more condition that includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory asthma. COPD comes with many grueling symptoms, including shortness of breath, wheezing, frequent coughing, tightness in the chest, and frequent lung infections. It is caused by long-term exposure to irritants that affect the lungs like smoking cigarettes and frequent exposure to chemical irritants. The goal of treating COPD is to help the patient breathe easier so that they can enjoy regular activities. There are a number of treatment options, such as a healthy diet that includes the following foods: 1. Dark leafy greens Dark leafy greens are rich in antibiotics and carotenoids, both of which contribute to your lung health. Dark leafy greens are also high in magnesium which is known to support muscle health and improve lung function and breathing muscles. Some leafy greens that are delicious to add into your daily diet include spinach, kale, cabbage, collard greens, and swiss chard. Always remember before adding anything new to your diet to check in with your physician for information on further benefits for COPD with leafy greens.
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Top Lung Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Top Lung Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Lung cancer is a disease that starts in the lungs. In the United States, this type of cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer. Smoking will cause a person to have a greater risk in developing lung cancer, increasing the risk as the amount of time smoking and amount of cigarettes smoked each day increases. In addition, increased exposure to secondhand smoke will also increase a person’s chance at developing this disease. Signs and symptoms of lung cancer tend to show up when the cancer has advanced into the further stages. There are two different types of lung cancer including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which includes many different types of lung cancer, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), which primarily occurs in heavy smokers. Treatment options can include surgery to try to remove the cancer, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted drug therapy, and radiosurgery. There are many common symptoms that are experienced by those with lung cancer: 1. Shortness of breath The cancer within the lungs can keep growing and start to block the patient’s airway. It also may start to cause fluid in and around the lungs. Both of these will cause the patient to have difficulty breathing and almost feel like they can’t catch their breath.
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